Over the summer I have had the opportunity to speak at some terrific conferences, the last two being ChicagoWebConf and Omni Technical Conference. At these two conferences I spoke specifically about HTML5 and CSS3 and it’s roll within quality front-end design and development. Please feel free to check out my slides from these talks below and let me know if you have any questions.

Quality Development with HTML5

Work on HTML5 began in 2004 to improve the existing markup language which has been in place for the past decade. In this decade the web has grown and evolved quite a bit, leaving web designers and developers much to ask for. HTML5 responds to those request and helps pave the way for a new frontier in front-end development. HTML5 introduces new elements, a more semantic structure, improved form functionality, better media control and more for the growing web.

Quality Development with CSS3

There is no better time to be a front-end web designer and developer than now and CSS3 proves it. What used to take a handful of images and nested elements now only takes one element with just a few CSS3 properties. Not only has development speed increased but so has the potential to stretch boundaries within web design. Thanks to CSS3 we now how the ability to embed fonts, create rounded corners, add shadows and gradients, build responsive design and more all without breaking a sweat.

View the HTML5 & CSS3 Demo Page

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